A Girl and the Diamond

Well, let me share this little reflection I’ve had when I was in a deep sorrow, or let say…a severe melancholic mode ^_^;

If you are a woman and you haven’t found your ‘true love’, I hope this reflection will help you to set your mind during your waiting. If you are a married woman, maybe you can comment and correct me if you find anything ‘not so true’ from this writing. However, if you are a man–whether you have been married or not–just read this reflection to give a little enlightenment and gratitude for a woman’s presence in the world. Then, let the story begin.

Somehow I imagined a girl is like a diamond–but not the perfect one. This diamond has some dirt outside, blocking the sparkle and might reduce its beauty, yet it still shining, presenting its beauty for everyone sees it.

A man owned these diamonds. He has a lot of this ‘imperfect’ diamonds and He wants to bequeath His precious jewelries for anyone who deserves it. So He will choose the best person whom He’s known worthy of His treasures.

A boy saw a diamond and he interested on it. He went to the man in a rush and ask the diamond. The owner stopped the boy and asked him, “Do you know how much is the value of this diamond?” The boy was startled. He didn’t expect that question. In fact, he didn’t know the value of that diamond. He just found it very beautiful that he wants to have it. But the owner didn’t give it to him. “I won’t give this diamond to someone who doesn’t even know how precious it is.” said the owner. Then the boy went away. Continue reading